

Global & Regional sourcing and supply of Oil. We source Oil at best competitive price ensuring quality specification from various Oil Traders and Marketers and supply across our geographical reach. Partnership with oil marketing companies and oil traders gives us the availability leverage of wide range of products we trade and supply.


Tanker Vessel, Storage, Pipeline, Trucking and Rail Operations. We arrange and operate Time and Spot charter vessels thereby optimizing our flexibility of vessel operations from time to time. Strategic storage partnership coupled with pipeline, trucking and rail operations is a key ingredient to our trade.


Overland and Hinterland logistics. We partner with logistics providers to supply landlocked countries and ensure safe and reliable delivery of products we trade. Innovative logistics solutions are a key driver to our operations.


International, Regional & Local banking facilities and Private Equity participation. Banking & Finance are the backbone to our business and we always explore various project and trade finance products and solutions, which best suits our trading activities. Private Equity funding is a key factor to our ambitious future projects.


Onshore marketing in various countries. We support local oil marketing companies through ensuring smooth supplies and backing them for tenders Joint Venture partnerships also plays a key role in our onshore marketing strategy.